Over at my blog, Life As I Know It, it's Q&A week. Readers ask questions and I give answers. To every question. Guaranteed.
This post is in response to my friend Rebecca's question:
If you had all 10 boys or all 10 girls, instead of some of both gender, which would you choose?
Why didn't you just ask which were my favorite, my boys or my girls? I guess you pretty much did. Well, let me put it this way...
My girls share most of my interests, such as thrift store & bargain shopping, baking, sewing, singing and collecting shoes. So I choose girls.
Boys are much easier to shop for because they'll wear their jeans and tennis shoes until they're falling off or won't fasten anymore - plus they'll wear whatever I buy for them without complaint to avoid a shopping trip. So I choose boys.
I can not attend scout camp with my boys who love to get dirty and wear the same clothing (including underwear) all week but I can attend an awesome week of fun mingled with spiritual growth at young women's camp with my girls. So I choose girls.
Boys have short, almost maintenance-free hair. If they give themselves a haircut, no problem. A quick all-over buzz with the clippers and we're back in business. So I choose boys.
Two words: potty training. I choose girls.
Two words: potty humor. (I'm easily entertained in this regard.) I choose boys.
How would you answer Rebecca's loaded question?
This may sound like a cop out, but honestly, I would answer it exactly the way you did.
I would say, Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he sent me just one girl....... :D
I am so 'girly' inept.
Perfect answer.
Wow ~ you answered that so well, I wouldn't even dare to try (now *that's* a cop-out, right?). Then again, I must agree with Rachel too, I am ever so glad that out of four, only one of them is a girl (even all 6 dogs are boys!). My own philosophy has always been that each boy is adequately equal to two children anyway, so you *could* reason that I potentially have 3 boys and 4 girls...or 6 boys and one extra vibrant girl...I guess I am very happy (and blessed) to have both.
I always thought I wanted all girls.... I have 4 boys and 1 girl. My boys are awesome but don't like to paint nails or do 'girly' stuff... so to combat... my goal is to help them be the best catch around so I'll have incredible daughter in-laws some day! My one daughter hopes so too! they're'll be some fabulous girls nights out going on around here in 10 years or so!
So my answer... it all evens out ... eventually!
I am crossing my fingers for another boy! I'm 100% NOT girly-girl and would be completely lost with a daughter.
Ok Gerb, I knew this question was impossible to really answer, but I love your attempt! :) Especially the two words about potty! Ha!
@Shannon - SIX dogs? I'll take 10 of either--boys or girls--as long as they're human! Yikes! But way to go. That's impressive.
I say it is a good thing someone chooses for us. I think the big guy gets it perfect every time. (In my case-5 girls.)
I have four boys (two little human ones, one grown man one, and one dog one) who I that take care of and I kinda like it. We all wake up and I go get ready for my day while my boys hang out in their jammies...then we get dressed in 5 seconds and leave for the day.
Maybe Heavenly Father knew how selfish I am and just let me have boys. PLUS, they are really fun to play with outside!!
(but yours is the BEST answer ever, just so you know)
LOVED your answer!! Every statement is so true!!
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